Thrissur, Kerala – October 28, 2024 – FinSecureLabs, a growing force in fintech consultingand financial solutions, has announced a strategic partnership with LeoCompare, anext generation fintech marketplace for payment products. This collaboration is set toenhance the experience of Indian consumers by providing a seamless and transparent
solution for outbound remittance services and payment products.
LeoCompare, now live in the UAE, provides expatriates with comprehensive, user-friendlyaccess to cross-border financial services. With an initial focus on the remittance market,Leo Compare’s platform enables users to compare and book top-rated money transferservices, showing them real-time rates, fees, transfer options, and other key details—allwithout the need for lengthy onboarding processes or app downloads. As part of its product
roadmap, LeoCompare intends to expand into additional fintech product categories andintegrate AI-driven product recommendations. This will allow users to receive personalizedsuggestions tailored to their unique needs and preferences, helping them make betterfinancial decisions, save money, and increase their financial literacy.
“We are excited to partner with LeoCompare in bringing unparalleled access andtransparency to the outbound remittance space,” said Jithesh Vadakkath (J V), Co-founderof FinSecureLabs. “With our expertise in fintech and financial services, and the advancedplatform of LeoCompare, this partnership will make remittance services more accessible andaffordable for Indian consumers.”
The LeoCompare marketplace provides significant advantages for remittance serviceproviders, drastically reducing customer acquisition costs and enabling access totransaction-ready customers with minimal investment in technology and marketing.Real-time capabilities allow providers to update pricing and service details seamlessly,
resulting in higher conversion rates and a smoother customer experience.
In addition to the remittance sector, LeoCompare has plans to expand into more fintechproduct lines, establishing itself as a trusted platform for convenient and transparent financialand payment solutions. Future enhancements include AI-driven personalization features thatwill deliver tailored experiences for users and streamline offerings for service providers.
“This partnership with FinSecureLabs marks an important milestone in our mission tosimplify cross-border financial services,” said Sailesh Pillai, Founder of LeoCompare.“Together, we’re making remittance and payment products more efficient and affordable forconsumers, while helping service providers reach their target customers more effectively.”
About FinSecureLabs: FinSecureLabs is a fintech consulting company specializing inremittance, foreign exchange, and financial technology solutions. By focusing onorganizational growth strategies, business excellence, and customized solutions for clientsworldwide, FinSecureLabs aims to redefine the financial landscape with innovative, scalablesolutions.
About LeoCompare: LeoCompare is a next-generation fintech marketplace for paymentproducts, committed to providing seamless access to cross-border financial services forusers in the UAE and, soon, in India and other key markets. Initially focused on remittanceservices, LeoCompare empowers users to compare and choose the best money transferoptions with transparency and ease. For more information, visit or