Happy Raksha Bandhan 2022: Here are the best wishes and greetings by celebrated personalities from Tiger Shroff to Ananya Panday!
Tiger Shroff
Tiger and Krishna Shroff are one of the most adorable siblings we have in Bollywood. The brother-sister duo shares a cordial relationship with each other. Krishna might not be a part of the showbiz but she commands quite a fan following on the social media. Krisha Shroff is very close to Tiger and Disha Patani. Many times she is seen with them going for dinners, parties etc. Krishna is a fitness enthusiast just like her brother.
Rakhi Wish:
“Happy Rakshabandhan to alll brothers and sisters around the world. he wished.
Talking about the special place her brother holds in her life, the loving sister can’t stop praising Tiger. While talking about how much he means to her Krishna reveals, “When we were kids, we would argue and fight all the time. Nobody could get under my skin more than him… that bit definitely hasn’t changed. However, our relationship has evolved through the years, as these days I feel like I have a best friend in him. He’s my number one supporter, critic, confidant, and my go-to for any advice whether it may be personal or professional. I 100% believe he’s pushed me to become the best version of myself. I’m blessed to have him in my life.”
Ananya Panday
Ananya Panday (born 30 October 1998) is an Indian actress who primarily works in Hindi films. The daughter of actor Chunky Panday, she began her acting career in 2019 with roles in the teen film Student of the Year 2 and the comedy Pati Patni Aur Woh. These performances earned her the Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut.
Rakhi Wish:
The one who fights with me the most but fights for me even more. Happy Rakhi my Ahaani, I wish I was w you this year too.” Apart from that, she has also shared numerous adorable throwback pictures on social media.
Author Sumana
“One day the people that don’t even believe in You will tell everyone how they met you “.
An accomplished teacher and author who believes in simplicity and hard work. She says without the support of her teachers family and few friends she could not have come so far.
A simple loving girl whose passion of writing gave her the identity of author with the publication of her two books
Life Through My Eyes
The Moment of Joy
Here she would like to share her thankfulness to her publishers BFC publication and JEC publications too for their cooperation.
She also worked as co author under the banners of many good names like Dreamer’s shelf, spot write, Flairs&glairs, Wordgenix, Inkquills, The WriteOrder and so many.
Her books made their place too.
Life Through My Eyes was featured among seven amazing books in the column of Thedailybeat.in
The Moment of Joy was featured in the column of indiaflux.com as three must read books that leave a lasting impact.
Moreover the strong lady is featured in so many prestigious column .The one she cherises the most when she was covered by web story India as
” Sumana Acherjee Mukherjee is a perfect example of simple girl rising to become popular author of India”.(https://www.webstoryindia.com/sumana-acherjee-mukherjee-is-a-perfect-example-of-simple-girl-rising-to-become-a-popular-author-of-india/)
Sumana still believes she has long way to go. So her mantra of her life ” Dream big work hard stay humble”
Last but not the least she thanks her readers. Without them she is just incomplete
Her favourite lines by her favourite poet Robert Frost
Miles to go before I sleep
Miles to go before I sleep
Rakhi Wish:
There is no other festival for which I am as excited as I am for Raksha Bandhan because it celebrates the beautiful bond of commitment , love and friendship .Happy Raksha Bandhan.
Anand Gopal Mondhe
मैं आनंद गोपाळ मोंढे, वाणिज्य में स्नातक और एक डबिंग कलाकार के साथ-साथ एक वॉयसओवर कलाकार हूं। कई विषयों से लगाव है, जो मुझे सबसे ज्यादा आकर्षित करते हैं वे हैं फोटोग्राफी और फिल्म निर्माण। मुझे फोटोग्राफी में बहुत दिलचस्पी है। मैंने बचपन में फिल्में देखने में काफी समय बिताया, तो शायद सिनेमा क्या है? क्या मैं कभी एक बेहतरीन फिल्म बना सकता हूं? ऐसे कई कठिन प्रश्न मन में लगातार उठते रहते हैं।
मेरा पसंदीदा शौक लेखन है। मुझे यात्रा वृतांत लिखना पसंद है और मैंने बहुत सारे यात्रा वृतांत लिखे हैं और कभी-कभी मैं अन्य विषयों पर लेख लिखता हूँ और यहाँ तक कि स्वभाव के अनुसार कुछ कविताएँ भी करता हूँ। मेरा जन्म बाबा आमटे के आनंदवन के पास वरोरा के छोटे से शहर में हुआ था। मैं एक मध्यम वर्गीय परिवार का एक साधारण लड़का हूँ और वर्तमान में पुणे में बस गया हूँ।
Rakhi Wish:
रक्षा बंधन….
इसी वचन के अनुसार जब द्रौपदी का चीर हरण हुआ तब श्री कृष्ण ने द्रौपदी की लाज बचाते हुए उन्हें कई मीटर लंबी साड़ी से ढ़क दिया. कहा जाता है कि जिस दिन द्रौपदी ने श्री कृष्ण की उंगली पर साड़ी का टुकड़ा बांधा था उस दिन सावन महीने की पूर्णिमा तिथि थी. ऐसे में इस दिन को रक्षा बंधंन कहा जाता है.
रक्षाबंधन की शुरुआत का सबसे पहला साक्ष्य रानी कर्णावती व सम्राट हुमायूँ हैं। मध्यकालीन युग में राजपूत व मुस्लिमों के बीच संघर्ष चल रहा था। रानी कर्णावती चितौड़ के राजा की विधवा थीं। उस दौरान गुजरात के सुल्तान बहादुर शाह से अपनी और अपनी प्रजा की सुरक्षा का कोई रास्ता न निकलता देख रानी ने हुमायूँ को राखी भेजी थी।
भविष्य पुराण में एक कथा है कि वृत्रासुर से युद्ध में देवराज इंद्र की रक्षा के लिए इंद्राणी शची ने अपने तपोबल से एक रक्षासूत्र तैयार किया और श्रावण पूर्णिमा के दिन इंद्र की कलाई में बांध दी। इस रक्षासूत्र ने देवराज की रक्षा की और वह युद्ध में विजयी हुए। यह घटना भी सतयुग में हुई थी।
रक्षाबंधन भाई बहन के रिश्ते का प्रसिद्ध त्योहार है, रक्षा का मतलब सुरक्षा और बंधन का मतलब बाध्य है। रक्षाबंधन के दिन बहने भगवान से अपने भाईयों की तरक्की के लिए भगवान से प्रार्थना करती है।
कहा जाता है कि युद्ध के लिए जाने से पहले रक्षा के लिए राजा और उनके सैनिकों के हाथों में उनकी पत्नी और बहनें अनिवार्य रूप से राखी बांधा करती थी. ऐसी मान्यता है कि राखी बांधने से भाइयों के उपर आने वाला संकट टल जाता है. जैसा कि आप जानते हैं कि सावन माह के शुक्ल पक्ष की पूर्णिमा तिथि को रक्षाबंधन का त्योहार मनाया जाता है.
धार्मिक मान्यताओं के अनुसार दायीं कलाई में राखी माना जाता है कि शरीर का दाहिना हिस्सा पवित्र होता है। इसलिए धार्मिक कार्यों में सभी काम सीधे हाथ से ही किए जाते हैं। शरीर के दाहिने हिस्से में नियंत्रण शक्ति भी ज्यादा होती है। दाहिने हाथ को वर्तमान जीवन के कर्मों का हाथ भी माना जाता है।
यह त्यौहार असल में इसलिए मनाया जाता है क्यूंकि ये एक भाई का अपने बहन के प्रति कर्तव्य को जाहिर करता है. वहीँ इसे केवल सगे भाई बहन ही नहीं बल्कि कोई भी स्त्री और पुरुष जो की इस पर्व की मर्यादा को समझते है वो इसका पालन कर सकते हैं. इस मौके पर, एक बहन अपने भाई के कलाई में राखी बांधती है.
येना बधो बलि राजा दानवेंद्रो महाबलं |
तेन तवां अभिबधनामि रक्षे मा कैला ||
अर्थ : – मैं तुम्हें एक रक्षा के समान बांध रहा हूं, जो राक्षसों के शक्तिशाली राजा बलि से बंधी हुई है।
जनें विधान यस्तु रक्षाबंधनमचारे |
सा सर्वदोष रहिता, सुखी संवत्सरे भावेत ||
अर्थ : – जिसके साथ अनुष्ठान के अनुसार रक्षा बंधन किया जाता है, वह सभी दोषों से दूर रहकर साल भर खुश रहता है।
लेखक : – आनंद गोपाळ मोंढे….
Neelam Saxena Chandra
Neelam Saxena Chandra has authored 6 novels, 8 short story collections, 37 poetry collections and 14 childrens’ books to her credit. She holds a record with the Limca Book of Records -2015 for being the Author having the highest number of publications in a year in English and Hindi. She has won a prize in a poetry contest organized by American Embassy & Arushi (awarded by Gulzar sahib), award by Women’s Web for fiction writing, award in a National poetry contest organized by Poetry Council of India, 2016, award for writing for children by Children’s Book Trust, awarded a prize for her fiction by Women’s Web, etc. She has received, Sohanlal Dwivedi Puraskar for children’s literature by Maharashtra state Hindi Sahitya Akademi for the year 2018, Humanity International Women Achiever Awards 2018, Bharat Nirman Literary award in 2017, Premchand award (Twice) by Ministry of Railways, Rabindranath Tagore International Poetry award, Soninder Samman, Shabdshree Samman, Freedom award by Radio city for Lyrics along with other awards and honors. She was listed in Forbes as one among 78 most popular authors in the country in 2014.
Rakhi Wish:
Let the desire of togetherness
Of mind and soul of siblings
Remain steady and then grow stronger
On this Rakshabandhan forget all misgivings
Satya Sidhartha Panda
“YOU CAN CRACK THE JOB INTERVIEW” Book is The Perfect Gift on RAKHI for Your Sister:
Raksha Bandhan the Festival of the true relation of brother and sister especially a part of Hindu culture. Rakhi called Raksha Bandhan is celebrated among India and neighboring countries with joy and fun. The best opportunity to celebrate the beloved bond of brother and sister is through Rakshan Bandhan. Raksha Bandhan gives a feeling of support and affection to both brothers and sisters. The whole day of Raksha Bandhan is celebrated as a day full of love and Joy. Happy Raksha Bandhan to my dear Sister Mousumi Panigrahi and sisters, may you all feel the power of God’s protection and blessings from heaven today and always. May God shower you all with everlasting happiness—wish you all love, luck, joy and good health.
Satya Sidhartha Panda who hails from Kalahandi (District) in Odisha is the son of Sri. Sunil Chandra Panda & Smt.Mamata Panda. He has done MBA, MJMC and M.Phil. A result-oriented creative professional and senior Academician with 16+ years of experience in Corporate, Academic & Research. Sri Panda is currently pursuing his Doctorate Jain (Deemed-to-be University)- Bangalore. He has authored five Books besides eight Book Chapters, 19 Research Papers in Double-Blinded Peer-Reviewed International Journals. A Life Member of ISTD-Bangalore Chapter and an Editorial Board Member of several Double-Blinded Peer Reviewed International Journals, Sri Panda has been conferred with various National and International Awards for his contribution in the field of Management Education, Coaching, Leadership and Upskilling. Prof. Panda is a Guest resource and Visiting faculty at Jain (Deemed-to-be University)-i-Nurture Education solutions programme, Christ (Deemed to be University) MBA Executive Education, Stjosoph College of Commerce & Management, IBMR- International Business Studies, RL Institute of Management, Madurai and International Institute of Business Studies, GIET University, CMR Technical Campus HYD, Parul University, ISME Bangalore. He has successfully conducted various Trainings, Boot Camps and Workshops in the areas such as Entrepreneurship, Leadership Development, Pre-Placement Training, Digital Marketing, Image Management, Mock Interview, Personal Branding and Life Skills. He has successfully mentored and counselled more than 3000 young career aspirants across the country within the span of last four years and its never-ending process due to his PASSION and mission of his life.
YOU CAN CRACK THE JOB INTERVIEW Book is available on Amazon, Flipkart, Instamojo, Bspkart, Evincepub Store. Also, Book is available in Italy, UK, USA, France, Spain, Japan and Germany in paperback format. In eBook format, the book is available on Kindle, Barnes and Noble, ibooks, kobo, and Evincepub E-Store. Podcast is coming Soon!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/satya_upskillingpanda/
Eliyas Johnjoseph
Eliyas Johnjoseph is an Author & Innovator, lives in Tamil Nadu and well known for his imaginary stories, and his recently published book “Eagles soar” Which describes passion and dreams, and prior book “Always” Which describes the endless love story of mother and son relationship, which was published in 2021 by Caroling pen publishing also co-author for three books.
Rakhi Wish:
On this Raksha Bandhan, let God bless you all with success and happiness and everything your heart desires, Sending my heartfelt wishes to you all on this day. Happy Raksha Bandhan! As we are running for success, we may gain and lose many things in life, no matter what surely we will succeed. May this string of love strengthens our bond and make it very true each passing day. Wishing you a heart-wrenching Raksha Bandhan, keep smiling
Instagram @filmie_annie1999
Whats App : -9284049641
Email: amondhe20@gmail.com
Kabir Roy Choudhury
YOLO describes Kabir Roy Choudhury to the fullest. In his career journey for over 20 years, from a hotelier to a corporate professional, to an astrologer to an author, Kabir has lived by the philosophy of YOLO–You Only Live Once.
He has worked with multiple Fortune 500 companies in his career in senior management roles, specializing in business transformation and analytics. He was born and raised in Kanpur, in India, from where he moved to Kolkata to complete his studies in Hotel Management from IHM Kolkata and Executive MBA from IIM-Kolkata.
When he is not working, he practices astrology to help people and share his knowledge about the ways of life. An admitted movie fanatic, he feeds his addiction to movies by watching movies in multiple languages.
A hotelier at heart, he continues to kindle the chef in him by cooking occasionally at home, for family and friends. He is naturally inclined to painting, reading, and singing since his childhood. Given a chance, he can spend the entire day in these activities. Kabir makes his family in India with his wife, son and his self-curated library.
His first book–A Mindful Mind is out, and is the stepping stone in his author journey where he brings out the nuances of how our mind is influenced by situations and people who make us feel worthless, and how we can overcome hate to fall in love again through a gripping, urban, contemporary woman story.
Keep in touch with Kabir via the web:
Website: https://www.kabirroyauthor.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kabirroyauthor
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/KabirRoyAuthor
Instagram: https://instagram.com/KabirRoyAuthor/
Rakhi Wish:
The moments of happiness and sorrows we shared together have made our bond stronger. Wishing you a very Happy Raksha Bandhan.
Yogitha Subhash
Yogitha Subhash is an Award winning writer from Hyderabad, the city of pearls. She has contributed herself in the field of literature and received many prestigious Awards for her writings. She is a 90’s kid grown up in a middle class family with Three(3) siblings..
Rakhi Wish:
This rakshabandhan yogitha subhash shares pic with her siblings with a beautiful note…
” Rakshabandhan is a bond of LOVE, PROTECTION, FRIENDSHIP, COMMITMENT. And the bond between Me and my siblings is Beyond this.. The Harmony to stay connected with each other,to protect eachother is what makes our bond stronger. Though we may have fought a lot growing up and gone through some rough patches together, there is no one i love or trust more than my siblings”
Yogitha’s message to her siblings – “No matter what life brings, i will always be there to support, protect, encourage and shower my love on you”
HAPPY RAKSHABANDHAN to each and everyone who protect and support their Loved one’s
Kshama Rao
Author Kshama is the CEO & FOUNDER of Kashmira Puravasini Publications. Aim of this publication is to help aspiring writers to publish their writings.
Kshama is a post graduate in Human Development from Bangalore University. She was in Africa for eight years during her childhood as her father was serving as a doctor there. Her mother is a teacher. She was in London for one and half years after marriage and is now settled in Mumbai.
Author Kshama has written and published seventeen books which are sold on many online sites and few offline sites. Her book is sold on the shelf of world’s largest bookstore BARNES AND NOBLE. She has co- authored more than fifty books.
She has received many awards like Spirit Mania popular author award, Critic space award, Laureate award, Naaari samman award, Star award, Munshi Prem chand kahaani ratna award and Aaj ki Naari award, etc. She was felicitated by Padmashri awardee Nayana Apte from the WIN foundation, Mumbai.
She was interviewed in the Asian Chronicle newspaper, Kadalvani newspaper of south coastal region, M.T Kenya Times and in many different blogs and magazines.
Rakhi Wish:
Sisters are angels and you are truly blessed if you have a sister. Brothers are more than friends. May the festival of Rakhi bring into your life more good times…May this festival brighten the bond between you and your brothers, sisters, and your loved ones…Happy Rakhi!!!
Madhurima Guruju
Madhurima, who hails from Hyderabad, South India is an educator, writer and visual artist. According to her, writing is like therapy to deal with tumultuous situations and the pen is her only friend on which she relies to vent her tangled thoughts through poems and stories.
She did publish three solo poetry books this year, even took part in several anthologies while additionally holds experience in story telling and slam poetry as she had participated in several open mic events across the nation. Thus had been featured on several other news web links for her remarkable contribution towards literary arts.
Her recent book “Musings on Life” a series of poems related to lives of people was released under Bookleaf Publication which went on fetching enormous appreciation from readers.
Rakhi Wish:
Wishing everybody having siblings to have blissful rakshabandhan. May the bond remain healthy intact to cherish memories forever
Saurabh Pant
Saurabh Pant is a visually impaired author, born on 4th of April 1994 in a beautiful hill station called Nainital with lake at its centre in uttarakhand that is known for its cultural essence and wisdom of hearts making it a pure city of significance in hills.
His parents have been the core sense of inspiration, as it is not an easy task to help a child who has become late blind and they nurtured him, gave their best support and he cherished the way everything worked upon to groom a nice person.
Besides, in concerns to relative phenomenon of Indian culture, he is the elder brother and has no sisters, thus roel of cousins as sisters have been a close bond in his life which inspired him alot to grow upon and he cherishes their love and bond which help him cover lot of emotional challenges in life and become a better person.
There is a process to understand how tough times cross upon, they do come in every person’s life and make you strong, its similar for this author from hils who got educated in Dehradun earlier and moved to Delhi for college and then returned back, so transition phase did come and he relish it all to consider actual growth.
He is grateful for cousin sisters to be equally involved like his parents in his progress, the way they celebrate his glory moments, concerns in tough times and it has been a great journey to continue the next step forward.
Rakhi Wish:
This is not just a festival to celebrate and exchange moments, but a bond representing a festive occasion.
It calls what ‘Lord Krishna’ used to say that ‘bond prevails from heart, not from mind, and it seems to be a pure symbol to represent the testimony to such eternity.
A message that brotherhood even in the age of technology with zings and tingling of message would continue to grow and narrative would change but not the delicacy by which it carries on to spread its blooming joy.
It is to speak for both, not only brothers but also sisters, realise your positions, be responsible for your judgement and stand for each other in tough times in actual terms.
this is what it all comes to, by having this day, to celebrate and progress in for having such a festive bond equally standing tall…
Suchandra Roychowdhury
Novelist, Traveller and incorrigible bibliophile, Ms Suchandra Roychowdhury is well-known for her debut novel “The Shotgun Wedding” published by Aleph Book Company(February, 2022). Set against the backdrop of rural Bengal, it is a story of irreconcilable inconsistencies in matters of higher education, involving characters who lock horns in a hilarious attempt to resolve differences.
Suchandra lives in Singapore with her husband and son and is currently writing her second novel, a historical narrative set in 19th century Calcutta.
Rakhi Wish:
Wishing you all happiness and good cheer on the occasion of Rakhi! May the glorious threads bind you with everlasting love and light!
– Suchandra
Dr. Sheetal Nair
Dr. Sheetal Nair is an award winning author with three best sellers under his belt. A Harvard & IIMC educated storyteller & serial entrepreneur, he’s carved a niche for himself at such an young age as an Author. A Gujarat Icon, he’s recently finished his 99 Page Trilogy & is working on his next book to come out this Christmas.
Rakhi Wish:
Brothers and sisters are as close as hands & feet, sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero. It doesn’t matter if you’re related by blood or birth, what matters is the connection one develops which sans all these ties with a mere piece of thread.
Pallavi Jeethan
Pallavi Jeethan( Pallu) is from South Karnataka.Brought up in Mumbai.
She has completed 2 and half years of Diploma in Health care Administration after 12 th.(SNDT University) Santacruz.
BA in psychology and Economic .(IDOL) Santacruz
1 year Diploma in Foundation of yoga(Mumbai University).
1 year Diploma in Advance
yoga(Mumbai University).
Writing is her passion.( She is co-author of 29+ Anthologies and Compiled 3 book .
She is blogger too.
Her Two solo book is live now on Amazon.
Her Three book as a compiler is live now on Amazon
Art is her hobby.
By profession she is a yoga personal trainer.
Pages of her
yoga page in FB – https://www.facebook.com/SalianPallavi/
Art page in FB – https://www.facebook.com/JeethanPallavi/
Facebook Account – https://www.facebook.com/pallavi.salian.73
Instagram ID – Pallu2610
Rakhi Wish:
Actually Rakshabandhan as we know “festival of brothers and sisters” didn’t start with brother and sister.
According to Hindu mythology, King Bali’s, son of Virochana and grandson of Prahalad, the wife was the first to tie a thread on her husband’s wrist for his protection. Even It is said that the festival gained popularity after Rani Karnavati, the widowed queen of Chittor, sent a Rakhi to Mughal emperor Humayun when she was in need of his help. It is also believed that Draupadi tied Rakhi to Lord Krishna.With this Raksha Bandhan started.
On this Rakhi, let’s bring back the lively spirit of childhood, play pranks with each other, No matter the distance between us, my Rakhi will always reach on time, to be tied on the wrist of my loving brothers with the heartwarming wishes of joy and Happiness. No matter where we are in the world, I know I have brothers looking out for me.
Happy Raksha Bandhan to my sweet…
B – Blissful
R – Reliable
O – Outstanding
T – Tender
H – Helpful
E – Exemplary
R – Responsible
Sankalp Mirani
“The euphoric bliss many people experience can keep you and your partner completely wrapped up in each other.”
Sankalp Mirani is the Hindustan Times and CBFC’s bestselling author of more than 5 novels, and the Reta® award winning writer of the literary TV show A PUN ON WORDS. He also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Improvkaar. His work has won critical acclaim, prestigious awards, been optioned for television, and has been published in 28 countries. Sankalp lives in Nagpur with his parents and friends, where he is hard at work on his next novel.
Rakhi Wish:
Dear sisters, On this Raksha Bandhan, may God bless you with a healthy, happy and prosperous life. Sending warm heartfelt wishes to you on this Rakhi… Happy Raksha Bandhan! As we grow, we may gain and lose many things in life but I want you to know that I will always be there for you.
Mayaa SH
Mayaa SH is an award-winning author and is driven by passion to write and has composed 40 plus anthologies. She has love for grammar and mental health awareness by engaging in talk as remedial navigation through any situation. She always tries to look for ways to merge the two. She is an avid enthusiast for the three C’s: Character, Charisma and Chivalry.
Be it, writing; debating or counselling; she makes sure to dedicate time to every such field wherein the reach is extensive and dedicated towards people in order to make her dreams reach countless souls.
Other than writing, she loves sketching, which actually introduced her to convert her ideas into writing poems. She also likes to listen to acoustic and blues music. Being an absolute homebody at heart, yet extroverted, she often fantasies herself as a TEDx Speaker inspiring millions of women all across the globe to live their dreams. She has a dream vision on Building Youth , Building Nation with a mission for the society at large and to create vibrant culture for our nation to help everyone build faster.
Being an artist allows her to observe and evolve the way she wants. The creative license gives her a sense of freedom and liveliness. What she likes about an artist is that “Art allows you to paint the canvas of your Life with Bright colours. These colours are such that you can fly anywhere and no one can stop you. All it takes is a little bit of imagination.”
It is obvious that the love between brother and sister is incomparable, there is no other relationship in the world like brother-sister relationship. There are some bitter and sweet arguments between every brother and sister in small matters, but in spite of these disputes, the sweetness of love remains the most in this relationship, every brother and sister sprinkling their lives with care and affection on each other..
Rakhi Wish:
A brother’s greatest friend and well-wisher can be his sister and a sister’s best friend can be her brother, which is proof that, when there is a fight and a quarrel, both bring the whole house to the head.
On the auspicious occasion of Raksha Bandhan, I extend my warm wishes and greetings to all in the world. This special festival is celebrated as a sacred bond of commitment between brother and sister. Raksha Bandhan is a festival symbolizing the ideal values of Indian culture. It is associated with the respect of sisters and good wishes for long life of brothers.
Let us celebrate the festival of Raksha Bandhan with gaiety and according to Indian culture.
Let us appeal to all to celebrate the festival of Raksha Bandhan with traditional dignity with a resolve to protect, respect and take forward the country.
May Raksha Bandhan, a symbol of love, affection and mutual trust, bring happiness and prosperity to all the people of our country. I wish this day to become an opportunity to further strengthen the spirit of brotherhood among the people of India.
“Lucky is that sister who has a brother’s hand and blessings on her head. He’s a protector in every trouble .That’s why there is so much love in the unsaid bond of a brother and sister.”
Ali Ashhar
Ali Ashhar is a poet, columnist and author from the city of Jaunpur, India. He has won numerous awards for his debut poetry collection, Mirror of Emotions. His works have been published in the USA, UK, Canada, Turkey and other countries around the globe.
Believing words can heal and change lives he pursues writing as his passion.
Rakhi Wish:
Wishing everyone a very happy Raksha Bandhan laden with heaps of joy.
Sujata Gautam
Sujata Gautam is a writer, whose work are inspired from real life situations, experiences and observations. She likes to do painting, cooking, reading and writing. A young girl with big dreams in her little eyes. Passionate about about giving and contributing something better to this world. She had participated in many anthologies till now. She wrote her first poem when she was in 3rd grade, and that was for her little cute doll.
Rakhi Wish:
Hey little bro,
Although Raksha Bandhan means bond of protection, and rakhi is tied on brother’s wrist in gratitude for protecting them. But being an older sister I feel like it’s more of my responsibility then yours to protect you. You have always been that cute irritating brother who is naughty and funny, one who always eat my chocolates and chips and when I ask who did this? You come towards me with that adorable smile. I have always tried to help, support and guide you whenever you require, and always tried so that you don’t feel defeated or depressed. But I want you to remain cute, innocent and as amazing as you are.
Janvi Rochlani
Janvi Rochlani is a writer from Surendranagar Gujarat. She is a very talented girl and a good and professional writer. She has written a book called Jyoti Ek maa available on Amazon. She has done bachelors and masters in business administration.
She has been part of many anthologies too. She is a very talented and courage’s girl.she says she has been successful due to his family’s support . Her hobbies are writing, reading, art and craft
She is very much inspired by her mother and maasi, and she is health conscious.
Rakhi Wish:
“Dear brothers
On this rakhi I promise u to tease u whole life and to be your side and protect u support u and always be your backbone sometimes I get angry on u sorry for that but I love u all of u my favourite brothers and my lovely brother’s I hope for your success in life.”
Sneha Jain
Sneha Jain is a 21-year-old author from Karnal, Haryana, India. She started writing when she was 18 years old and got her first book published in 2020. The book was named as “The visionary lights from a dark mind “. It consists of some easily readable and relatable poems. Her second book “She -The Withered Flower” (an e-book) released in July 2021.It depicts the various things that the female gender goes through. It is a step to raise voice against the cruelty , the girls and the women face in this world, hence showing how the female gender suffers yet blooms with a little sunshine of respect and love. Sneha Jain , being a girl herself, could bring out the female gender’s life difficulties and the victory over them , quite gracefully. She is of opinion that no female is inferior than the other and only a little motivation, love, care and respect may do wonders. She aims to help each female of the world to be respected and successful. Her motive to write is to bring out the reality of the world in all aspects.
Rakhi Wish:
A festival significant of a thread knot , representing the bond of fights , care and love , This Raksha Bandhan I wish each bond of siblings get stronger than the thread . May this knot bring you love , closeness and care.
Akash Gupta
Akash Gupta,a native of West Bengal Kharagpur, has graduated from Jain University Bangalore with a B.tech degree and currently attends AIMIT Bangalore pursuing an MBA degree.
As a passionate entrepreneur, he believes that entrepreneurship can change the world
Although he was born into a middle-class family, he never forgot to dream and strive to achieve his goals. As a writer, he didn’t get many opportunities at the beginning of his career. Akash decided to provide people with a platform with reasonable prices and more benefits since the market cost was high and is still high today, so he started a firm for artists and launched Fireboxx on September 15 2019, which has helped over 1000 people till date. On 12th April 2022, Fireboxx Entrepreneurs pvt ltd was launched and its vision is to create entrepreneurs for the future of India. Among his world records are the Kalam Book of World Records and the International Book of World Records. Over 50 writings in all genres have been written by him.
In his opinion, today’s era is for entrepreneurs and startups, where every day new unicorns are created, and many startups fail due to a lack of knowledge, marketing, financial conditions, etc. Therefore, an entrepreneur should always conduct research before launching the company..”
His gratitude goes out to the Fireboxx team and his supporters for helping him succeed.
Take small actions, and one day you will achieve your dreams”- Akash Gupta (founder and CEO of Fireboxx Entrepreneur Pvt. Ltd.).
His instagram id is @iamkush1028
Rakhi Wish:
The relationship between a brother and sister relationships is like Tom and Jerry. They tease and irritate each other but can’t live without each other. Happy Raksha Bandhan!
“Angels can’t be everywhere, That’s why God created sister” – my special wishes to Priya,Nisha,Puja, Richa and Anjali and all my sister