Tizzy is a Cloud Email Hosting company like no other. It provides premier hosting services at prices that will knock your socks off. Every business needs a hosting service today. At the speed of emails pouring in every day, it is only a must to have an email service that can host with efficiency. If your business is small, big, or even tiny doesn’t matter; Tizzy has you covered. Emailing has become a lot easier with cloud email services like Tizzy. You don’t have to get into the weeds of technical work with a cloud email service like it. Tizzy will take care of everything for you.
Tizzy was incorporated in April 2018 and has continued to help businesses with the brunt of their work. “Relax and let Tizzy do the rest”, assert the folks at India’s leading email hosting company. They offer services of all kinds of services to make your life easier. Your inbox will longer look like Marie Kondo’s nightmare. Get ready to gear into the organised and systematic lifestyle. Tizzy email ensures to get your emails faster across and a mind-blowing amount of storage with up to 50GB storage in your inbox and attachments. You get zero DNS errors and have the fastest IMAP mail sync even for 25 GB+ mailboxes. You can get Tizzy Mail as low as just Rs.100/user/year for 5 GB Mailbox.
Still on an old server? No worries, Tizzy has foreseen all possible problems their customers might face. They have the easiest and fastest setup. They also guarantee to lose no emails in the process. They have got almost zero complaints and have a hassle-free process. If you want to seem serious and sincere with your business, you need a mailing setup like Tizzy. It sorts out emails and does everything for you, so you won’t have to move a finger. Tizzy is a company that you can place your trust in. They have their data centre office situated in Mumbai.
With a cloud hosting email service like them, you will not be missing any business opportunities or any important emails otherwise. Say hello to clean inboxes to pump up your efficiency. You can now take care of the actual crux of your business and leave such clerical work to Tizzy.
Emailing has just gotten easier without you bumping up against low storage or messy inboxes where drafts and emails go flying about. They are also the safest Email Cloud hosting service you could find with their multi-layer security and data storage options. They also store their data on another server instead of the same one they work on, and there you have the most safety. They also offer a 30 day back facility just in case. What more would you want?
This is the White Labelled solution you’ve been searching for if you’re an IT company looking to make your life easier. Get Tizzy today and while you’re worries away. To know more, visit them here:
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