With the potentiality of a third Covid-wave hitting India in the coming months, the country has begun its preparations. One of the leading organizations in this mission is the Parmarth NGO. Inspired by their work, we interviewed two members of Parmarth’s executive board – Vishva Modi (Founder and CEO) and Anmol Akshat Tripathi (CHRO). Vishva primarily spoke about the steps that they have been taking to tackle the coming wave. “We have set up vaccination drives at some remote schools and areas. Our volunteers have started reestablishing their contacts with the Oxygen suppliers if an Oxygen crisis comes. Additionally, we are spreading awareness, through our extended network, on the new variants of Covid and methods of staying safe.,” he added. At the same time, Anmol mentioned how Parmarth has effectively managed multiple new and old projects through the support of driven volunteers.
Although Parmarth has recently taken these steps to help India, the story of Parmarth traces back to May 2021. Schools have long been hotbeds of idealism, where bright minds, too young to be jaded, dream of communal improvement and the bright futures they desire to create. On the other hand, the spirit has been highly pushed as one of the culture’s most commonly advocated qualities. It’s no surprise that in the non-profit sector, innovative initiatives are actively being generated, nurtured, and recognized. Such is the case with Parmarth NGO, a humanitarian organization founded on the progressive ideals and brave action of Vishva Modi, a 12th-grade student on a mission to bring about developmental change in society.
Parmarth NGO began its footsteps by bridging the supply and demand gap of Oxygen cylinders in India. Oxygen is an essential medicine for the effective treatment of hospitalized Covid 19 patients. Covid 19 has put massive pressure on the health system. Many hospitals ran out of oxygen, resulting in preventable deaths and families of hospitalized patients paying a premium for scarce oxygen supplies. Parmarth NGO made the process of getting Oxygen easy for the patients and their family members. “If you search the internet for the availability of oxygen cylinders in your city, you will get hundreds of phone numbers and email addresses claiming to have a specific resource. However, upon calling, most of them either didn’t receive the call or denied having the resource,” remarks Vishva when asked about the inception of Parmarth. “Hence Parmarth was started with the motive of providing authentic leads to people,” he further added.
In such a pandemic, when the poor got poorer and the employed got unemployed, everyone suffered. Keeping everything in mind, Parmarth launched ‘Jeevad‘ – the teleconsultation project that allowed people to get free consultation services from doctors across the country. They gathered a team of qualified doctors and connected them to people through their volunteers over calls to help many needy people across the country. Parmarth expanded its wingspan to tackle domestic issues as well. Parmarth’s Orphanage and Old-age Homes (OOH) project made it their initiative to make those heterogenous faces at various orphanages and nursing centers a part of their family. From remotely teaching syllabus to orphans to reciting old symphonies for the aged, they ensured none were left out.A new family now united the separated.
Vaccination is the Spartan’s shield. Parmarth has been working on a vaccination experience portal through which people could explore the multiple vaccination locations and find the one that fits them through factors like vaccinator behavior, cleanliness, crowd scale, overall ratings, etc. This helped the people find a suitable site for their vaccination and enhanced their vaccination experience. Parmarth NGO has worked for online education of children during the pandemic. The volunteers recorded videos on various subjects to make sure that education was not hindered due to the pandemic, and underprivileged students keep learning and growing.
“ Parmarth was founded on 8th May, and within a very short span, we had more than 300 volunteers of varying backgrounds, religions, races, ages, countries, but we all worked together in getting India through that crucial time. We were like a huge family,” Anmol mentioned. Indeed, getting 300 diverse volunteers within weeks and then getting them to stay is possible only with inspiring motives and a strong base of support. Parmarth’s flexible working hours and the presence of a healthy work-life balance further motivate a volunteer to work harder for the country’s betterment. On behalf of India, we commend everyone at Parmarth NGO for their tremendous efforts to help India. These young minds have set an example for the coming generations that nothing can obstruct your path when you have a keen desire to do something for your community. We wish Parmarth NGO luck in the journey of impacting the world through their noble work.