When it comes to zeal, achievers take a move to conquer the ground despite waiting for the expertise level of age. The businessman Mr. Ajay Thakur met with the honorable LG of Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday and discussed the new projects. Mr. Ajay Thakur is one such legend, who captured the tag mark of a millionaire just at the age of 21.
J& K is famous for its beauty but Mr. Ajay Thakur diverted his dedication to getting the chain of his business empire accomplished as per his target. His mindset made him the owner of the Surekha group of companies. That shows his exploring and innovative strategic approach toward his goal. His planned execution of the result-driven strategies helped the businesses to increase in numbers with the highest efficiency.
While the businesses are enhancing rapidly he has set an example for many by getting the space of 35th Highest taxpayer of j&k in December 2021 in the list. He started his journey in 2017 and now is having multiple businesses that recognized him as a successful businessman with the earned experience and skillset.
He also went through hurdles during the growing stage of his empire but his hardcore zeal towards his aim never let him rest until the last stone get turned for his satisfaction as initiative action. This is the reason behind his successful growth despite of diversified assortment of businesses in his courtyard of life.
His businesses embrace the sections of construction with the leading factory. His leading companies in Pharmaceutical reached the complete j&k, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, and Gujarat. It is not the end of his working coverage of the businesses. There are 40 types of the brand manufacturer in medicines with him. He is having a mineral water plant too along with other businesses.
His personality has the aura that has influenced many lives while running 4 NGOs and Bridha Ashram. Through his support, he helped the NGOs with all that can be the best from his side. He is running a great business assortment that will no doubt enhance overtime with max productivity and an opportunity hub for job seekers.
He is consistently working to get his aim fulfilled of businesses with the betterment of society too on the other hand via his NGOs and Bridha ashrams. He is the VIP security holder from J & K government. One can visit his social media account to fetch more details insight at: https://instagram.com/noissywizzz?igshid=MDM4ZDc5MmU=